Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How to make your child Blind, Deaf, Limp and Sterile ie unable to beget children

Question : How to make your child Blind, Deaf, Limp and Sterile ie unable to beget children
Answer : Don't give vaccines


இது குறித்து மருத்துவ இதழ்களில் வரும் கருத்துக்களை விட 
பிற ஆதாரமற்ற இதழ்களில் வரும் தவறான சமூக விரோத கருத்துக்களுக்கு நீங்கள் முக்கியத்துவம் அளிப்பது வருத்தமாக உள்ளது

I am still not able to understand what is the confusion here

First and foremost
Measles can make the child blind
Mumps can make the child sterile and unable to have a progeny 
Congenital Rubella can be devastating - Deaf, Blind and Congenital Heart diseases

These are well known and documented and proven complications of these three diseases

Is there any doubt over it 

Now comes Wakefield

He says that there is a link between the administration of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, and the appearance of autism and bowel disease


What happened after that


Authored by Andrew Wakefield and 12 others, the paper’s scientific limitations were clear when it appeared in 1998.2 3 As the ensuing vaccine scare took off, critics quickly pointed out that the paper was a small case series with no controls, linked three common conditions, and relied on parental recall and beliefs.4 Over the following decade, epidemiological studies consistently found no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.5 6 7 8 By the time the paper was finally retracted 12 years later,9 after forensic dissection at the General Medical Council’s (GMC) longest ever fitness to practise hearing,10 few people could deny that it was fatally flawed both scientifically and ethically. But it has taken the diligent scepticism of one man, standing outside medicine and science, to show that the paper was in fact an elaborate fraud.

In a series of articles starting this week, and seven years after first looking into the MMR scare, journalist Brian Deer now shows the extent of Wakefield’s fraud and how it was perpetrated (doi:10.1136/bmj.c5347). Drawing on interviews, documents, and data made public at the GMC hearings, Deer shows how Wakefield altered numerous facts about the patients’ medical histories in order to support his claim to have identified a new syndrome; how his institution, the Royal Free Hospital and Medical School in London, supported him as he sought to exploit the ensuing MMR scare for financial gain; and how key players failed to investigate thoroughly in the public interest when Deer first raised his concerns.11

Deer published his first investigation into Wakefield’s paper in 2004.12 This uncovered the possibility of research fraud, unethical treatment of children, and Wakefield’s conflict of interest through his involvement with a lawsuit against manufacturers of the MMR vaccine. Building on these findings, the GMC launched its own proceedings that focused on whether the research was ethical. But while the disciplinary panel was examining the children’s medical records in public, Deer compared them with what was published in the Lancet. His focus was now on whether the research was true.
The Office of Research Integrity in the United States defines fraud as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism.13 Deer unearthed clear evidence of falsification. He found that not one of the 12 cases reported in the 1998 Lancet paper was free of misrepresentation or undisclosed alteration, and that in no single case could the medical records be fully reconciled with the descriptions, diagnoses, or histories published in the journal.

Who perpetrated this fraud? There is no doubt that it was Wakefield. Is it possible that he was wrong, but not dishonest: that he was so incompetent that he was unable to fairly describe the project, or to report even one of the 12 children’s cases accurately? No. A great deal of thought and effort must have gone into drafting the paper to achieve the results he wanted: the discrepancies all led in one direction; misreporting was gross. Moreover, although the scale of the GMC’s 217 day hearing precluded additional charges focused directly on the fraud, the panel found him guilty of dishonesty concerning the study’s admissions criteria, its funding by the Legal Aid Board, and his statements about it afterwards.14
Furthermore, Wakefield has been given ample opportunity either to replicate the paper’s findings, or to say he was mistaken. He has declined to do either. He refused to join 10 of his coauthors in retracting the paper’s interpretation in 2004,15 and has repeatedly denied doing anything wrong at all. Instead, although now disgraced and stripped of his clinical and academic credentials, he continues to push his views.16

Meanwhile the damage to public health continues, fuelled by unbalanced media reporting and an ineffective response from government, researchers, journals, and the medical profession.17 18 Although vaccination rates in the United Kingdom have recovered slightly from their 80% low in 2003-4,19 they are still below the 95% level recommended by the World Health Organization to ensure herd immunity. In 2008, for the first time in 14 years, measles was declared endemic in England and Wales.20 Hundreds of thousands of children in the UK are currently unprotected as a result of the scare, and the battle to restore parents’ trust in the vaccine is ongoing.
Any effect of the scare on the incidence of mumps remains in question. In epidemics in the UK, the US, and the Netherlands, peak prevalence was in 18-24 year olds, of whom 70-88% had been immunised with at least one dose of the MMR vaccine.21 22 Any consequence of a fall in uptake after 1998 may not become apparent until the cohorts of children affected reach adolescence. One clue comes from an outbreak in a school in Essen, Germany, attended by children whose parents were opposed to vaccinations. Of the 71 children infected with mumps, 68 had not been immunised.23

But perhaps as important as the scare’s effect on infectious disease is the energy, emotion, and money that have been diverted away from efforts to understand the real causes of autism and how to help children and families who live with it.24
There are hard lessons for many in this highly damaging saga. Firstly, for the coauthors. The GMC panel was clear that it was Wakefield alone who wrote the final version of the paper. His coauthors seem to have been unaware of what he was doing under the cover of their names and reputations. As the GMC panel heard, they did not even know which child was which in the paper’s patient anonymised text and tables. However, this does not absolve them. Although only two (John Walker-Smith and Simon Murch) were charged by the GMC, and only one, the paper’s senior author Walker-Smith, was found guilty of misconduct, they all failed in their duties as authors. The satisfaction of adding to one’s CV must never detract from the responsibility to ensure that one has been neither party to nor duped by a fraud. This means that coauthors will have to check the source data of studies more thoroughly than many do at present—or alternatively describe in a contributor’s statement precisely which bits of the source data they take responsibility for.
Secondly, research ethics committees should not only scrutinise proposals but have systems to check that what is done is what was permitted (with an audit trail for any changes) and work to a governance procedure that can impose sanctions where an eventual publication proves this was not the case. Finally, there are lessons for the Royal Free Hospital, the Lancet, and the wider scientific community. These will be considered in forthcoming articles.

What of Wakefield’s other publications? In light of this new information their veracity must be questioned. Past experience tells us that research misconduct is rarely isolated behaviour.25 Over the years, the BMJ and its sister journals Gut and Archives of Disease in Childhood have published a number of articles, including letters and abstracts, by Wakefield and colleagues. We have written to the vice provost of UCL, John Tooke, who now has responsibility for Wakefield’s former institution, to ask for an investigation into all of his work to decide whether any more papers should be retracted.
The Lancet paper has of course been retracted, but for far narrower misconduct than is now apparent. The retraction statement cites the GMC’s findings that the patients were not consecutively referred and the study did not have ethical approval, leaving the door open for those who want to continue to believe that the science, flawed though it always was, still stands. We hope that declaring the paper a fraud will close that door for good.
Inspite of all these hard hitting evidences, peer reviewed journals and scientific articles, 
that you give importance an anti social hoax page is what is very distressing

For that discovery way back in 1996, and a subsequent research paper published by the doctor in 1998, Andrew Wakefield has found himself the victim of a world-wide smear campaign by drug corporations, governments and media companies. And while Dr. Wakefield has been persecuted and prosecuted to the extent of being unable to legally practice medicine because of his discovery, he has instead become a best-selling author, the founder of the Strategic Autism Initiative, and the Director of the Autism Media Channel. Read More: http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2013/08/courts-quietly-confirm-mmr-vaccine-causes-autism.html | Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/whydontyoutrythis

This is the common complaint given by all these anti socials
That what they found out was a medical miracle and it was suppressed

I would like you to read about Thalidomide episode
One doctor said that Thalidomide causes Phocomelia

Was he subjected to "world-wide smear campaign by drug corporations, governments and media companies"


Other researchers too found out that thalidomide causes phocomelia
And that was approved and the usage of the drug was modified
I can give so many examples

Every time some one finds a side effect or adverse reaction to a drug, others verify it
If they to find the same side effect, the drug is banned

There is no question of "world-wide smear campaign by drug corporations, governments and media companies" or the person who reports the side effects to be "persecuted and prosecuted to the extent of being unable to legally practice medicine because of his discovery"

In that past 50 years, thousands of such adverse reactions have been reported

Are they all subjected to these



Because the adverse reactions reported are true

If Wakefield is criticised, it is because that no one found what he said 
// so that, as a parent and teacher I do my bit to my kids at home and the school, throw some light on this to support the confused parents.//

If you want to do a bit to kids

Please don't circulate these unscientific, anti social, fraudulent articles
நீங்கள் யாராவது 

measlesநால் குருடான குழந்தையையோ
mumpsநால் மலடான வாலிபனையோ
rubellaவினால் குருடு, செவிடு, இதய நோயுடன் உள்ள குழந்தையையோ பார்த்திருக்கிறீர்களா

உங்கள் குழந்தைக்கும் இதெல்லாம் வரவேண்டுமா

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The truth about Polio

In response to http://gaia-health.com/gaia-blog/2013-03-28/paralysis-haunts-polio-free-india/

//India has a surge of children with paralysis.//
India has grossly reduced number of children with paralysis

1. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1910 in India

2. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1920 in India

3. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1930 in India

4. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1930 in India

5. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1940 in India

6. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1950 in India

7. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1960 in India

8. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1970 in India

9. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1980 in India

10. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1990 in India

11. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 2000 in India

12. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 2010 in India

// The causes are not hard to identify: the oral polio vaccine and redefinition of polio-induced paralysis to “acute flaccid paralysis”. The result of this fiasco is a plan to give non-live polio vaccines—and it comes at huge cost, negating the reason for using the oral vaccine.//

OPV has reduced Residual Paralysis to ZERO in 2010

//Polio, often thought of as synonymous with paralysis and disability, has been given a new name in India.//
Polio is still called Polio

//It is now known as AFP or acute flaccid paralysis. //
AFP is Acute Flaccid Paralysis due to any condition, including Polio

//This and the fact that cases of polio caused by the oral polio vaccine (OPV) are not being reflected as polio have ensured that India is into its second year of “polio free” status.//
Polio is still called as Polio

//After this charade is maintained for one more year, India will be certified by the WHO as “polio free” and will be showcased as a success story of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative that was launched in 1988 by the World Health Assembly.//
If there are no cases of Polio reported, we will say it is eradicated
What is wrong here

//Smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980.//
Because of vaccines
By the way
Do you see children with Pox Scars these days

//According to medical researcher Professor William Muraskin, the experts involved in this exercise were looking for another opportunity to flaunt their skills. When they chose polio many eyebrows were raised. Polio was not on the priority radar of the countries where this exercise was to be launched. These developing nations were struggling to provide basic health needs. India, for example, is incapable of providing clean water, sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition for a majority of its population even 65 years after Independence. [Please see HEEALS for an on-the-ground organization in India dealing with this issue. --Editor]//
This is exactly why we need to eradicate polio

//Furthermore OPV was chosen to be the only weapon to eradicate polio.//
Because Administration is easy
The advantage of OPV is herd immunity and that is because those vaccinated tend to shed the virus in their stool,
Also OPV Can be given in camps
OPV Can be given by non medical personnel and para medical personnel too

// Dr T Jacob John pointed out that this vaccine, consisting of live viruses, is notorious for causing vaccine induced polio.//
How many cases have been caused
Not even 1 in one million

//Because those vaccinated tend to shed the virus in their stool, it can mutate into a virulent form, causing paralytic polio in others, even leading to polio epidemics.//
The advantage of OPV is herd immunity and that is because those vaccinated tend to shed the virus in their stool,

//Dr. Anant Phadke and C. Sathyamala argued that it is not possible to eradicate polio, a disease primarily of poor sanitation and nutrition, with a vaccine.//
The data that there is no case these days in India
That the number of cases is inversely proportional to the vaccination percentage show that their arguments are wrong

//Polio-like paralysis can also be caused by other factors. //
We call that NPAFP

//DDT and other pesticides, exposure to lead and arsenic, and vaccinations can trigger paralysis. //
But in those cases, there won't be any polio virus in stools

//Thus a holistic approach was needed to tackle the disease.//

//Medical textbooks reveal that exposure to polio viruses rarely results in paralysis. More than 95% of those exposed will show no symptoms at all. Of the rest, many will exhibit symptoms resembling a common cold, a few will suffer temporary lameness, and fewer than 1% will exhibit permanent paralysis.//

1. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1910 in India

2. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1920 in India

3. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1930 in India

4. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1930 in India

5. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1940 in India

6. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1950 in India

7. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1960 in India

8. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1970 in India

9. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1980 in India

10. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 1990 in India

11. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 2000 in India

12. How many cases of residual paralysis due to polio occurred in 2010 in India

// Exposure to the polio virus is actually the best immunity against viral polio. //
Exposure to the VACCINE polio virus is actually the best immunity against viral polio. and that is why we are vaccinating

//It offers permanent immunity to more than 99% exposed to it. //
Wild virus gives deformity
Vaccine virus gives protection

//According to Dr Yash Paul, those who become permanently paralyzed may have some inherent susceptibility that should be investigated.//
Those who get vaccine derived polio may have some inherent susceptibility that should be investigated.

//Dr. Phadke pointed out that smallpox and polio eradication are two entirely different things.//

// Polio viruses can infect children without causing any external symptoms and thus remain in circulation.//
Same with Small Pox too

//He alleged that it was for the benefit of the developed nations, who could stop their vaccination programs once the wild polio virus was eradicated worldwide, and for the manufacturers, who were promoting the program because the OPV was discontinued in the developed countries due to its risks, that the polio eradication strategy was launched.//

// This eradication effort, costing over 1.2 billion rupees, has broken the back of the Indian health system.//
But has given a generation of children without crutches
Has given a health generation

//The National Polio Surveillance Project data show that the polio eradication program has increased paralysis among children—from 3,047 cases yearly in 1997 to 61,038 cases in 2012, most now being classified as AFP instead of polio.//
The number of AFP reported indicate the surveillance is working
But almost all of these are NPAFP

//The Government does not reveal how many of these cases are due to the vaccine.//
It has revealed
Few dozen cases in this millennium

//It was observed in 2005 that, against 66 cases of polio caused by the wild polio virus that year, 1,645 were caused by the vaccine.//
Which country ??

// Data reveals that those vaccinated are 6.26 times more likely to be paralyzed.//

//Many mutated virus strains are running loose in India. In Japan, after three months of use, 16 extremely virulent strains of the vaccine viruses and 78 strains in total were found in sewage and in its rivers.//
Before vaccination ALL Virulent Strains
After vaccination 16 virulent strains and 62 non virulent strains
This is success of vaccination

//India has been using the vaccine since 1978, intensively since 1997, and one cannot even imagine how many virulent strains could be circulating in this country that is devoid of basic sewerage disposal and sanitation facilities.//
The number of non virulent strains are more and virulent strains have gone done
This is the concept of herd immunity

//Why are more than 60,000 children in India becoming paralyzed every year?//
Due to causes other than polio

// Dr Neetu Vashisht has analyzed that the cases of AFP in India are directly proportionate to the number of doses of OPV given, implying a relationship.//
AFP means Polio AFP and Non Polio AFP
AFP indicated good surveillance
Does of OPV indicate good vaccination
There will be a relation


This does not means paralysis is more
On the contrary

Paralysis is LESS with vaccines
Paralysis is INVERSELY Proportional to OPV

//Taking into consideration the normal AFP rate, it has been deduced that in 2011, India has suffered 47,500 extra cases of paralysis.//
What is this normal AFP rate
How was this arrived at

What are the causes of this 47500 paralysis
Data please

//Studies have shown that death rates in children with AFP are twice as high as the death rate among children with polio paralysis.//

What studies
Reference please

//In Brazil, a study has implicated this vaccine in cases of Guillain Barré Syndrome, transverse myelitis, and facial palsy. Thus the claim of the Government that these cases of paralysis have no relation to the vaccine merits extensive investigation.//

//In April 2004 a memorandum was submitted to the WHO, UNICEF and the Government of India by Prof. Debabar Bannerjee and other eminent doctors pointing out that the WHO inflated 32,419 cases of polio to 350,000 to justify the program.//
Reference please

// The definition of polio has been changed repeatedly since the program was launched, thus automatically leading to a drastic fall in the number of cases. //
What was the change
Data please

//A significant number of children declared polio-affected by the polio virus were sufficiently vaccinated, and that children were being rendered paralytic directly due to the vaccine.//
What is this significant number
1 or 2
1 million or 2 million

//The memorandum also pointed out that polio eradication was not possible in India, as the vaccine viruses had mutated into virulent strains and were circulating. //
Data shows that polio eradication is possible

//In August 2006, the Indian Medical Association reiterated the above and called for identifying the unfortunate victims and compensating them.//

//Today, throwing all caution to the wind, children are being given an unprecedented 50 doses of the vaccine and even those who should be medically exempt are being vaccinated.//
50 Polio vaccines ??

// Dr Puliyel reveals that a synthetic version of the polio virus with a formula called ‘CHNOPS’ makes a mockery of the eradication effort.//

//Dr Pushpa Bhargava points out that polio was already on the decline even before the eradication effort began. //
That was due to routine immunisation

//Polio in India was concentrated in a few pockets of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, which accounted for 96% of the cases reported.//
because routine immunisation was low in those areas

// Improving sanitation and nutrition in these areas, along with routine rounds of the relatively safer inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), would have drastically reduced polio without resorting to the chicanery that has resulted in an unprecedented toll of disability in children in all parts of the country.//

It would not have

//Hidden in the packet inserts of the OPV is an ominous statement saying that the vaccine has not been tested for causing cancer or infertility.//

//The presence of untested monkey viruses, and phenol and polysorbate 80, both of which are endocrine disruptors, in the vaccine raises concerns.//

// It is also known that the vaccine virus strains can lie latent in the body and cause polio decades after administration.//
Reference please
incidence please

//India is now preparing to launch the much costlier IPV all over the country, which will require money and trained manpower at a scale that it currently does not have, to counter the vaccine viruses in circulation. //

This is why OPV was important

First you give OPV
Develop Herd Immunity

Then give IPV

//The wild polio viruses, which actually conferred immunity to children, are now no longer widely prevalent,//
Wrong and Right
Wild virus gave deformity
Vaccine virus gave immunity
RIGHT: Wild virus are now no longer widely prevalent, because of OPV and this is a success of the programme

// leaving future children exposed to unexpected epidemics. //
Vaccine virus protects
Since Wild virus is replaced by vaccine virus, it protects children

//The so called benefits of polio eradication have eluded this indebted country and its children face an uncertain future. //
Children face a certain future
They are not lame

//It is important that lessons from this misadventure be learnt to oppose future assaults on the children of our country.//
We need to counter the bio terrorists who spread wrong info against vaccines. These bio terrorists are funded by enemy nations to make future generations blind, lame and deaf